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Scale: Executive Hiring Criteria

Scale’s Executive Hiring Criteria

General Talent Bar: Scale strives to recruit notable executives, striving to hire only when there is a robust “yes”. The ideal scenario is where people would be eager to work for that executive in an alternative scenario. In a broader sense, Scale is in pursuit of:

  • Culture [via interviews and backchannels]
  • Team Chemistry [via interviews]
  • Proficiency [via interviews and backchannels]

I. Must have skills:

Talent Beacon: Adept at attracting and hiring high-quality talent, maintaining stringent standards for skills. Must be personable and proficient in advocating the vision. Ideally possesses a substantial network of relevant individuals.

  • Validation Method: Analyze their historical hiring records, preferences, and network.

Mental Agility: Provides quick and clear thinking. 

  • Validation Method: Evaluate their aptitude for grasping new concepts and challenging conventional thoughts in discussions.

Leadership: Demonstrates the ability to motivate teams, convey complex ideas succinctly, and navigate through turbulence or difficulties. 

  • Validation Method: Inquire via backchannels, analyze their leadership principles, and evaluate their past crisis management through backchannels and team attrition rates.

Chaos Navigator: Can steer through disorder and imperfection, continually progressing towards the ultimate objective. 

  • Validation Method: Review past professional experiences and inquire about management strategies during tumultuous periods through backchannels.

Functional Mastery: Hire individuals who bring expertise and passion for their domain. 

  • Validation Method: Backchannels and internal evaluations, with potential third-party interviews.

Frugal, Lean, and Resourceful: Achieving more with fewer resources (financial, personnel, and time). 

  • Validation Method: Evaluate their resource expectations and the logicality of their resource requisitions, and assess the impact-to-organization efficiency ratio.

Hard working: [Self explanatory]

  • Validation Method: Evaluate their willingness for intensive work contexts (ideally 50+ hours per week?) and ensure their previous engagements required diligent work ethics.

Strategic and Holistic Thinker: Simultaneously manages overarching and minute details. 

  • Validation Method: Assess their ability to elevate observations to strategic levels and spot systematic issues.

Ambitious: Desires to realize monumental achievements. 

  • Validation Method: Analyze their career progression and understand their future aspirations.

Detail-Oriented: Keen to delve into particulars, identify discrepancies or issues, and occasionally handle tasks directly. 

  • Validation Method: Backchannels and inquiry methods that drill from high-level to detailed responses.

Profound Problem Solver: [Evaluate from past roles + questions]

  • Validation Method: Present a difficult issue and observe their engagement and innovativeness in proposing solutions.

Ownership: Treats every issue as their own and assumes accountability. 

  • Validation Method: Assess if they identify and address problems without prompting and if they devise solutions for issues beyond their control.

Adaptable and Humble: Modifies past strategies to our requirements and adjusts strategies in real time. 

  • Validation Method: Evaluate their adaptations of past strategies to Scale’s necessities.

Collaborative Contester: Jointly tackles problems while challenging assumptions for superior outcomes. 

  • Validation Method: Backchannels and evaluation of their respectful challenges during conversations.

Proactive Innovator: Instigates improvements and resolutions unsolicited. 

  • Validation Method: Through backchannels, assess their past pace and proactive actions.

Resilience: Maintains belief through highs and lows. 

  • Validation Method: Assess their past loyalty and stability through backchannels.

First-Principle Thinker: Robust logical thinking and reducing beliefs to foundational assumptions. 

  • Validation Method: Through a series of “why?” questions, assess their response depth and if they examine your propositions to fundamental assumptions.

Metrics-Oriented: Employs metrics for gauging and directing successful results. 

  • Validation Method: Understand their success evaluation methods, team management, and planning processes.

II. Nice to haves:

Knowledge about AI

  • Validation Method: Discuss past projects, challenges, and delve a layer deeper into their understanding.

Context in operational businesses 

  • Validation Method: Review of resume.

Technical/Engineering Background 

  • Validation Method: Engage in technical discussions and review resume.


  • Validation Method: Explore their historical decision-making and gauge the extent of their commitment to customer service.

Ability to move fast

  • Validation Method: Discuss their views on team pace, planning speed, and approach toward grand objectives, along with considering backchannels and past company cultures.

Experience at a hyper growth company

  • Validation Method: Resume.

Stellar people manager

  • Validation Method: Evaluate through backchannels, observe team attrition rates, analyze reputation, and explore their employee development frameworks.


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